Hearts Flowers

Shop the extensive range of flowers, bouquets and arrangements from Perfect Petals. Independent Local florist delivering to Evesham and surrounding areas.


Heart SYM-324 Product Image
Heart SYM-324


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Heart SYM-325


Eco Heart SYM-353 Product Image
Eco Heart SYM-353


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Heart SYM-323


Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a heart, so it’s no wonder one of our most popular funeral tributes is a beautifully designed floral heart.

Handmade with the utmost care at this most sensitive of times, all floral hearts from Perfect Petals are made using the freshest flowers and delivered with care by our dedicated team of delivery drivers across Evesham and the areas all around us.

We have a range of designs available to order online – and can also design a fitting tribute using specific colours or favourite flowers. Simply call us today to discuss your requirements with one of our specialists.